June 28, 2024

Ahead of Daniel Farke’s return to Norwich City with his Leeds United side, one pundit has urged the club to make sure they secure one of their supporters.
The All Whites have seen major changes both on and off the field in recent months, but there has been one constant in the side: Luke Ayling.
The 32-year-old veteran continues to give his all to the Elland Road outfit and former Leeds goalkeeper Paul Robsinson has suggested his loyalty should be rewarded.
“It would be fantastic to see Ayling get a new contract for his service to the club,” he told MOT Leeds News.
“The way he’s played in recent years, what leadership qualities he still has in the dressing room. It would be good to be in the long run. If the club rewards him with a new contract, that would be fantastic.

Robinson knows something about what it means to play for a top outfit like Leeds, and the fact that Ayling has done so for the past eight years speaks volumes for the player.
During that time, he sees the highs of his rise to the major leagues — where he played most of it — and the lows of last season.
However, he remains as committed to the Leeds cause as ever, and that kind of loyalty is rare in the modern game.
No wonder then that Robinson believes Ayling should be kept in place. Even if he doesn’t play as many games for the club in the future, hearing his voice in the dressing room would be invaluable.

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