June 24, 2024

It is highly likely that a highly skilled striker could return to the Championship Club.

Leeds United are currently in a strong position to reclaim their place in the Premier League, despite their current third-place finish in the Championship. Following their relegation last season, a number of key players were able to leave the club due to contractual clauses allowing them to leave on loan while still being contracted to the club. According to Stuart James, loan-to-Union Berlin striker Brenden Aronson may be able to make a comeback at Elland Road.

Aaronson’s comments
James, a columnist for The Athletic, published an extensive article detailing his conversation with Aaronson. When asked if he would be able to play for Leeds again, Aaronson stated, “I think it is possible, but it’s not done and gone.” He sees the experience of playing with Union in both the Champions League and the Bundesliga as something that could be beneficial to the club if he were to return.

Aaronson’s links with the club remain strong and he has expressed a genuine desire to return to Leeds, with three years remaining on his current contract. If Daniel Farke does not lead the Whites back into the Football League, there is a possibility that the United States national team player will find himself on loan again next season.

Aaronson continues to have a strong relationship with the club and has declared his genuine wish to return to Elland Road, where he has three years left on his current deal. Should Daniel Farke fail to lead the club back into League One, it is conceivable that the USA international could be back on loan next season.


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