July 2, 2024

Cowboys owner Jerry Jones Has Fired cowboys top ICON-NFL report.

Cowboys Owner Jerry Jones plans to fire Mike McCarthy and hire Dan Quinn as head coach

Dallas Cowboys – We are going to call this an “irresponsible rumor” but not because it’s out of the realm of possibility that Dallas Cowboys Owner Jerry Jones might change his coaching staff in the future.

It’s not because the Cowboys could fall short of a certain “must-achieve” in the playoffs for Mike McCarthy to stay on as head coach. And it’s certainly not because McCarthy’s successor could be Dallas Cowboys DC Dan Quinn.

There are, of course, a number of factors, however improbable they may seem at the moment, that could lead Jones to lose his temper over McCarthy.

What happens if, say, the Cowboys (9-3) lose the remainder of the season? What happens if the entire locker room, led by quarterback Dak Prescott, decides to turn on their coach? What happens if coach McCarthy tells owner Jerry Jones that he doesn’t like blue?

Yes, of course. Anything can happen. The problem with this report, writes Pauline, is that it is based on unsubstantiated “sources” that we are only too happy to call “sources.” Pauline goes on to say that if “McCarthy doesn’t make a deep playoff run and Dallas fires him,” Quinn will be “hired as the Cowboys head coach.”

What we won’t tell you is that there isn’t a single person here at The Star who is aware of Pauline’s “private thoughts” or “secret plan” that would serve as her “sources” on a sensitive story like this.

We’ve been working with McCarthy for 4 years. We’ve had dozens of interviews, some of them one-on-ones, with Quinn. I’ve worked with Will McClay for over 10 years. And we’ve worked for Jerry and Stephen Jones for over 34 years.

And we’d be willing to bet anything “Tony Pauline” would throw in the middle of the road that none of these five people – the only five people with firsthand knowledge of this concept – have said anything to Pauline about it.

It also doesn’t help that Pauline (who says in his bio that he writes for “Sportskeeda” but has “worked for a number of NFL teams”) claims to have “several” “sources”, which would essentially mean that two of these five people (McCarthy, Quinn, McCray, Jerry and Stephen) not only whisper this to him and give him permission to write it, but that two of them did so.

CYA does matter here. It matters that McCarthy could fall out with Jones. It matters that the Cowboys could implode in December and the players demand a change. (Why listen to them if the Cowboys players implode?) It matters that Dallas could lose in the opening round of the playoffs to Atlanta, losing by 50 points. (Why promote Quinn if Dallas gave up 50 points?)



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