June 30, 2024

NFL Suspends Credentials of Videographer Miami Dolphins’.

The NFL has suspended the credential of a Miami Dolphins videographer who took part in Tyreek Hill’s on-field celebration, and Hill has responded by paying the videographer’s salary. The incident occurred during the Dolphins’ win over the Carolina Panthers on October 15. After Hill scored a touchdown, he picked up a camera from the sidelines and took a selfie of himself backflipping.


Fitzgibbons, who is a student at the University of Miami, posted on Twitter that he and Hill had a “best friend” relationship. He said that after Hill scored the touchdown, he noticed him standing near the sidelines and “surprised” him by grabbing his phone and taking a screenshot.

“It was the craziest moment ever, so I ran to the tunnel to shoot the clip and send it to the NFL,” the student wrote in the video. He added that he had joined the NFL in 2022 and began working for them at their home games.

The NFL said Hill was not fined but the team was penalized 15 yards. Hill said he had a long-standing relationship with Fitzgerald and that he spoke to Fitzgerald about his credentials suspension.

According to the NFL, Fitzgerald was told that even if he did not know Hill was going to celebrate, he would still be disciplined and that he should have stayed on the field.

“One of the greatest moments in my life came to a screeching halt in the nick of time,” Fitzgerald wrote in the video, “I understand why the NFL made this decision and I wish there was something I could do to prevent it. I am grateful for the memories that Tyreek has made for me. This has been the greatest job I have ever had and I have never taken a single day for granted.”

CNN was unable to reach Fitzgerald for comment.

The video has been viewed over 36 million times and has been praised by LeBron James, DraftKings co-owner Jason Speicher and Hill.

“I told him, ‘Don’t let it get you down,’ he said. “You’re still young, keep doing what you love. We’ll work together, and I’ll cover his salary. I’ll make sure I do what’s right and make sure you don’t lose your job. That’s my guy.”

The Dolphins have an 8-3 record and are currently leading the AFC East with Hill’s 10 touchdowns. A source with the NFL said Fitzgibbons’ credentials have been “temporarily suspended” for multiple violations of league policy. The source added that Fitzgibbons is still a contracted employee and will be welcome and encouraged to take part in any other off-field league or personal projects involving players.


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