June 30, 2024

In their Premier League Cup debut against Colchester United on Friday night, Leeds United’s Under-21s struggled mightily to earn Michael Skubala’s team the victory despite the game’s high number of goals.


American XL bullies will be outlawed by the end of the year, a former ITV News presenter who was diagnosed with dementia reveals.

‘Beloved’ comedian and mother dies of brain cancer at age 35; mystery surrounds F-35 plane seen at UK airport diverting from carrier

Diners are instructed to call 911 following a botulism epidemic.

The NHS has approved a novel migraine remedy.

Dallas United

A peripheral Leeds United player scores a stunning 25-yard goal in a high-scoring game to help the U21s win the cup.

In their Premier League Cup debut against Colchester United on Friday night, Leeds United’s Under-21s struggled mightily to earn Michael Skubala’s team the victory despite the game’s high number of goals.

From Joe Donohue

Posted on September 15, 2023, at 21:03 BST

More videos can be found on Shots! and live on the Freeview channel.

American XL bullies will be outlawed by the end of the year, a former ITV News presenter who was diagnosed with dementia reveals.
‘Beloved’ comedian and mother dies of brain cancer at age 35; mystery surrounds F-35 plane seen at UK airport diverting from carrier
Diners are instructed to call 911 following a botulism epidemic.
The NHS has approved a novel migraine remedy.

Dallas United
A peripheral Leeds United player scores a stunning 25-yard goal in a high-scoring game to help the U21s win the cup.
In their Premier League Cup debut against Colchester United on Friday night, Leeds United’s Under-21s struggled mightily to earn Michael Skubala’s team the victory despite the game’s high number of goals.
From Joe Donohue
Posted on September 15, 2023, at 21:03 BST

More videos can be found on Shots! and live on the Freeview channel.

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