June 23, 2024

GOOD NEWS: The Warriors finally agreed to sign Nikola Vucevic, Clint Capela and Jonas Valanciunas for $350 Million’s… See More…

Every NBA team is looking for an edge. Sometimes, they’ll try to gain one by doubling down on a certain skill set at the expense of another. They’re hoping the trade-off will be worth their while.


For example, the Cavaliers must have known the spacing between Allen and Mobley was problematic.


They were hoping that their combined length and mobility would make up for that shortcoming.


As the Golden State Warriors find themselves grappling with a combination of scoring struggles and a lack of interior presence, the urgency to address these issues intensifies in the lead-up to the trade deadline. With a current record of 19-22, placing them in the 12th spot in the highly competitive Western Conference, the Warriors are facing challenges that demand careful evaluation and strategic decision-making.


The team’s performance has underscored the need for potential roster adjustments to enhance both scoring efficiency and interior defensive capabilities. As the trade deadline looms, the Warriors stand at a crucial juncture, seeking solutions that can reignite their competitive edge and propel them back into playoff contention.

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