June 28, 2024

GOOD NEWS: Bulldogs finally sign Kyle Flanagan for $95 Million’s today… See More…

announced his departure from the Sydney Roosters effective immediately, signing a three-year deal with the Canterbury Bulldogs.


The 22-year old took to Instagram on Monday night to announce he would be leaving the Tricolours after just one year.


“Shocked and Disappointed,” he said.


“I want to thank everyone involved with my time at the @sydneyroosters. A rollercoaster year but full of memories I’ll remember forever.

Rumours have been circling since the Roosters exit from the finals that Flanagan would be shown the door, despite having a year to run on his contract.


He made 20 appearances for the back-to-back Premiers as the club looked to replace Cooper Cronk in the halves.


However, after just one season in Bondi, Flanagan was moved on.


Before that, the Cronulla junior spent two seasons with the Sharks and played just nine NRL games.

The Bulldogs confirmed Flanagan’s signing on Tuesday, announcing the 22-year-old had signed a three-year deal with the club.


He will get to work with new coach Trent Barrett and a number of other fresh signings to Belmore including Blake Green and Nic Cotric.


“It is fantastic news for our Members and fans that we have been able to add someone of the class of Kyle to our squad,” Bulldogs Chief Executive Andrew Hill said.

He is a quality all-round footballer, who will bring game management and a strong kicking component to our halves, as well as having the potential to grow as a player under Trent Barrett and his coaching staff.


“We are putting together a squad that has the right qualities and everyone is excited about getting back together for the pre-season in what we believe is a new beginning for the club.

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