June 28, 2024

GOOD NEWS: The Warriors finally agreed to sign Michael Porter Jr for $110 Million’s… See More…

The summer is probably the friendliest time in the NBA, as rival players often end up congregating in gyms together to help each other work on their respective games. The rivalry is on the court, but players are willing to help each other out off the court.


Newly crowned NBA champion Michael Porter Jr. works out with Stephen Curry in the offseason and gave an insight into the same while talking to Taylor Rooks.


Some guys do a star drill where they run from the top of the key to the corner to the other wing, and then the other wing. He’s doing that same drill but full-court, so his conditioning is like his best attribute, so that’s what I pick up from him and his attention to detail.”

MPJ also remarked on how Curry’s incredible routine is the reason why he became as good a shooter as he is.


“I think that’s what all great players have, their routine. You don’t become that good at shooting just by a gift. You’ve got to work to become one of those shooters.


Curry has always been a gifted shooter, but the NBA is full of gifted shooters. What makes Curry different is how he worked on mastering his craft to stand tall as the greatest shooter in league history. We may see a player one day match up to what Steph has achieved, but it will be through hard work and not just ability.


Steph averaged 29.4 points, 6.1 rebounds, and 6.3 assists last season and has shown no signs of slowing down at age 35. ”


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