June 30, 2024

Lakers finally sign Skip Bayless as the new head coach for $210 Million’IN 

There’s this great quote from the song Your Ex-Lover Is Dead by the Stars that I loved it in 2005 when I’d drive around the suburbs of Boston, heartsick from my latest imploded high school relationship, dreaming of the day I got to include this track in a blog post.

That day has come. Before the song starts, a man’s deep voice hovers over the sounds of symphonic strings. He says: “When there’s nothing left to burn, you have to set yourself on fire.”

Which, my friends, brings us to Skip Bayless’ latest flaming hot take on FS1’s Undisputed, in which he claims that LeBron is not one of the greatest NBA players of all time. Bayless says this because Doc Rivers said that he does believe that LeBron is one of the top five all-time greats. Bayless, ever contrarian, doesn’t believe that Rivers actually means this; he thinks Rivers is just building LeBron up into a god so that when the Clippers face LeBron in the playoffs, as Bayless thinks Rivers thinks they will, he can then tear LeBron down.

What a load of baloney. I realize that Skip Bayless is just trying to get people like me to write about him, and I am aware that I am taking the bait, maybe just because I wanted to include the Stars in a blog post. But COME ON, DUDE! Saying LeBron isn’t a top five player is like saying Miss Piggy isn’t a top five Muppet, or that Mozart wasn’t a top five composer, or that rotisserie chicken isn’t a top five food. It’s just plain wrong.

Bayless also makes fun of LeBron’s hairline, and it’s just like, can he live? Bayless then lists guys he thinks were better than LeBron, and seems very adamant that the only thing that matters when talking about how great a player is is the championships they won.

Sure, okay, those are all good players. Look: I’m not going to get into the specifics of this, even though I truly believe LeBron is an all-time top five player, because that would be essentially arguing with Bayless, and I’d rather set myself on fire. But I will say this: You know what none of those players ever did?

Put up 41 points to beat a championship team that had a 3-1 lead with the unanimous MVP in Game 7 of the Finals. To bring home rings for a city that hadn’t won a major sporting event since 1964. But yes, Skip, let’s talk about his hairline.

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