June 30, 2024

The NBA created a compilation of Luka Doncic and Kyrie Irving highlights before tonight’s Game 3 between the Dallas Mavericks and LA Clippers… 

DALLAS — The Dallas Mavericks’ superstar duo, Luka Doncic and Kyrie Irving, have stepped up their defensive game, contributing significantly to a 96-93 victory over the Los Angeles Clippers in Game 2 of their first-round playoff series.

This victory marked a crucial 1-1 tying of the series, with the Mavericks showcasing a newfound defensive rigor.


Doncic, often recognized for his offensive prowess, embraced his defensive role, especially when targeted by the Clippers, who possess a quartet of superstar talents, including Kawhi Leonard, Paul George, James Harden, and Russell Westbrook.

“I accept it,” Doncic said regarding his defensive responsibilities. “It gets me going on the defensive end, too.


If they want to attack me, that’s fine. I think I played good defense today. I just got to stay locked in.”

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